Wine and Tourism by Marta Peris-Ortiz María Cruz Del Río Rama & Carlos Rueda-Armengot
autor:Marta Peris-Ortiz, María Cruz Del Río Rama & Carlos Rueda-Armengot
La lengua: eng
Format: epub
editor: Springer International Publishing, Cham
Telfer, D.J. (2001). From a wine tourism village to a regional wine route: An investigation of the competitive advantage of embedded clusters. Tourism Recreation Research, 26(2):23–33.
Vaz, A. I. I. (2008). O enoturismo em Portugal: Da cultura do vinho ao vinho como cultura. Lisboa: Faculade de Letras.
Vicente Elías, L. (2008). Paisaje del viñedo: Património e recurso. PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(2), 137–158.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Marta Peris-Ortiz, María de la Cruz Del Río Rama and Carlos Rueda-Armengot (eds.)Wine and Tourism10.1007/978-3-319-18857-7_10
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